Using FileIt To Rename Scanned Document(s)

In TrialWorks Tips by trialworks

Scanning all incoming documents can benefit every firm. Scanning can provide cost savings, improve document sharing, and most of all save time. Use FileIt to quickly rename documents from the scanner while you quickly review them.

  1. Start by scanning your documents
  2. Don’t worry about renaming the documents at the scanning station
  3. In FileIt all the documents will be listed with the description from the scanner. For example SCAN00001 or 012345
  4. Click on the hyperlink in the File Name field, and the file opens for a Preview
  5. Use the Description field to type in a new name for the document
  6. Close your document preview and click Transfer Files

unnamed (7)

unnamed (8)

Instead of spending tons of time at the scanner renaming documents, use the FileIt option instead. Users can mass scan documents and comfortably rename documents at their desk instead of the scanner.

If you’re interested in learning more about using FileIt to rename scanned documents in TrialWorks, contact Training at 800.377.5844 option #2.