SOLs: Tracking & Reporting

In TrialWorks Tips by trialworks

Wonder which clients have SOLs coming up? Need a better way to track SOLs?

Use the TrialWorks SOL Report & TW Today!


Click on the ‘Clients’ Tab


Enter the Event Date or Date of Accident (DOA). The SOL Entry Form will automatically pop up.


Use the dropdown to select the proper SOL type and TrialWorks will automatically calculate the SOL Date.


Close the door to exit.


You will be prompted to add the SOL Entry to the Docket.


TrialWorks ships with recurring reminders such as a year/month/week/day or 90/ 60/ 30+ days. Add Reminders, Activity Codes and any additional notes.

Click the + sign to select an ‘Assigned To.’

Click ‘Add Tickler’ to complete the docket entry.


You will be prompted to add the docket entry to the Outlook Calendar. We recommend you do not push to the calendar.

Instead, keep track of SOLs using TrialWorks Reports and the TW Today Screen.


Under the Reports Menu, click on ‘SOL’ and scroll down to ‘Date Specified Statute of Limitations Report.’



Select a date range. We recommend selecting a 3 month range to ensure upcoming SOL are included in the report.

Page Break Options: Limit the report by the attorney assigned or SOL per page.

SOL Type (Blank for all): Limit report by SOL type.

Then, click ‘Preview Report’.


You can view, print, email, edit, or convert your report from the Preview screen.

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