“Save As in TrialWorks” Behaves Just Like FileIT!

In TrialWorks Tips by trialworks

As many of you know, FileIT is an incredible time-saving document importer that seamlessly brings external documents (such as .pdfs from the Court or outside counsel) into TrialWorks. But did you know that the Word option, Save As in TrialWorks,” operates in a similar way and helps you move documents created outside of TrialWorks into TrialWorks?

Let’s see how it works!

Open and edit your document and choose File > Save As In TrialWorks:

SaveAsInTW -menu bar with highlights

Does the message below pop up?

SaveAsInTW - current doc exists message (1)

This simply means that the document was opened from TrialWorks. Select “Yes,” so that a new copy is created for you.

Next, notice that you can save your document as a Document or a Template. Be sure to properly give your Document or Template a File Name, save it to the proper Case Name, and identify the proper Tab, Category and Party.  Choose these options in the order they appear on the screen.  Taking the time to make these selections organizes your document in TrialWorks.

SaveAsInTW - save document options with highlights

Pretty easy, right?  Use the Save As in TrialWorks option when you want to quickly:

  1. Move a document from your desktop into Trialworks.
  2. Create a new document from one in another case.
  3. Create a new template based an old document.


  1. When using Save As in TrialWorks from a document you opened in TrialWorks, be sure to click “yes” to the question: “Do you want to make a copy?”
  2. When using Save As in TrialWorks from a document NOT already in TrialWorks, remember that the document will be removed from its current location and moved to TrialWorks.
  3. Complete all the fields in the dialog box to properly organize the document in TrialWorks.

Remember, it’s more efficient to create your documents directly in TrialWorks because the profiling fields are already completed for you!  But, when you simply can’t, Save As in TrialWorks” is a terrific alternative!

If you’re interested in learning more about using the “Save As in TrialWorks” feature and/or FileIT, please contact Training at 800-377-5844 option #1.

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